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Use Audio to Align Video Data¶
In this example, we use pd-parser
to find audio events using the same
algorithm for matching with time-stamps and rejecting misaligned
audio, but applied using the onset of an audio deflection instead of detecting
photodiode events based on their square wave shape.
# Authors: Alex Rockhill <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
Load in a video with audio
In this example, we’ll use audio and instead of aligning electrophysiology data, we’ll align a video. This example data is from a task where movements are played on a monitor for the participant to mirror and the video recording is synchronized by playing a pre-recorded clap. This clap sound, or a similar sound, is recommended for synchronizing audio because the onset is clear and allows good precision in synchronizing events.
Note that the commands that require ffmpeg are pre-computed and commented
out because ffmpeg must be installed to use them and it is not required by
import os
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
from import wavfile
from subprocess import call
# from subprocess import run, PIPE, STDOUT
# import datetime
import mne
from mne.utils import _TempDir
import pd_parser
# get the data
out_dir = _TempDir()
call(['curl -L'
'master/pd_parser/tests/data/test_video.mp4 '
'-o ' + op.join(out_dir, 'test_video.mp4')], shell=True, env=os.environ)
call(['curl -L'
'master/pd_parser/tests/data/test_video.wav '
'-o ' + op.join(out_dir, 'test_video.wav')], shell=True, env=os.environ)
call(['curl -L'
'master/pd_parser/tests/data/test_video_beh.tsv '
'-o ' + op.join(out_dir, 'test_video_beh.tsv')],
shell=True, env=os.environ)
# navigate to the example video
video_fname = op.join(out_dir, 'test_video.mp4')
audio_fname = video_fname.replace('mp4', 'wav') # pre-computed
# extract audio (requires ffmpeg)
# run(['ffmpeg', '-i', video_fname, audio_fname])
fs, data =
data = data.mean(axis=1) # stereo audio but only need one source
info = mne.create_info(['audio'], fs, ['stim'])
raw =[np.newaxis], info)
# find audio-visual time offset
offset = 0 # pre-computed value for this video
result = run(['ffprobe', '-show_entries', 'stream=codec_type,start_time',
'-v', '0', '-of', 'compact=p=1:nk=0', video_fname],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
output = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
offset = float(output[0].strip('stream|codec_type=video|start_time')) - \
# save to disk as required by ``pd-parser``, raw needs a filename
fname = op.join(out_dir, 'sub-1_task-mytask_raw.fif')
# navigate to corresponding behavior
behf = op.join(out_dir, 'test_video_beh.tsv')
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=1, n_times=16464896
Range : 0 ... 16464895 = 0.000 ... 343.019 secs
Writing /var/folders/s4/y1vlkn8d70jfw7s8s03m9p540000gn/T/tmp_mne_tempdir_ran50pv8/sub-1_task-mytask_raw.fif
Closing /var/folders/s4/y1vlkn8d70jfw7s8s03m9p540000gn/T/tmp_mne_tempdir_ran50pv8/sub-1_task-mytask_raw.fif
Run the parser
Now we’ll call the main function to automatically parse the audio events.
annot, samples = pd_parser.parse_audio(fname, beh=behf,
audio_ch_names=['audio'], zscore=10)

Reading in /var/folders/s4/y1vlkn8d70jfw7s8s03m9p540000gn/T/tmp_mne_tempdir_ran50pv8/sub-1_task-mytask_raw.fif
Opening raw data file /var/folders/s4/y1vlkn8d70jfw7s8s03m9p540000gn/T/tmp_mne_tempdir_ran50pv8/sub-1_task-mytask_raw.fif...
Isotrak not found
Range : 0 ... 16464895 = 0.000 ... 343.019 secs
Reading 0 ... 16464895 = 0.000 ... 343.019 secs...
Finding points where the audio is above `zscore` threshold...
17 audio candidate events found
Checking best alignments
0%| | 0/15 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
53%|#####3 | 8/15 [00:00<00:00, 76.93it/s]
100%|##########| 15/15 [00:00<00:00, 82.61it/s]
Best alignment is with the first behavioral event shifted 0.01 s relative to the first synchronization event and has errors: min -6.65 ms, q1 -3.27 ms, med -0.58 ms, q3 3.99 ms, max 11.60 ms, 0 missed events
Excluding events that have zero close synchronization events or more than one synchronization event within `max_len` time
Load the results
Finally, we’ll load the events and use them to crop the video although it requires ffmpeg so it is commented out.
print('Here are the event times: ', annot.onset)
# Crop the videos with ffmpeg
from pd_parser.parse_pd import _read_tsv
beh = _read_tsv(behf)
for i in range(annot.onset.size): # skip the first video
action_time = (beh['tone_onset'][i] - beh['action_onset'][i]) / 1000
run(['ffmpeg', '-i', f'{video_fname}', '-ss',
seconds=annot.onset[i] - action_time - offset)),
'-to', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=annot.onset[i] - offset)),
op.join(out_dir, 'movement-{}+action_type-{}.mp4'.format(
beh['movement'][i], beh['action_type'][i]))])
Here are the event times: [ 19.051125 39.913 61.88575 83.5424375 104.4145625
126.07720833 147.55397917 168.61270833 189.5784375 211.35672917
250.20858333 271.68210417 292.14 313.30533333 333.78097917]
"\nfrom pd_parser.parse_pd import _read_tsv\nbeh = _read_tsv(behf)\nfor i in range(annot.onset.size): # skip the first video\n action_time = (beh['tone_onset'][i] - beh['action_onset'][i]) / 1000\n run(['ffmpeg', '-i', f'{video_fname}', '-ss',\n str(datetime.timedelta(\n seconds=annot.onset[i] - action_time - offset)),\n '-to', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=annot.onset[i] - offset)),\n op.join(out_dir, 'movement-{}+action_type-{}.mp4'.format(\n beh['movement'][i], beh['action_type'][i]))])\n"
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 24.390 seconds)